> Dental Education > General Practice Residency > Program Goals
GPR Program Goals
The goals of the GPR program are-
First Year GPR
Develop the clinical judgment (outcomes-based clinical decision making), technology-based information retrieval, diagnostic ability, and clinical skill to provide comprehensive general dentistry.
Develop the ability to manage medically compromised hospital patients in ambulatory and inpatient settings and appropriately interact with and respond to consults from other services/health care professionals.
Develop patient and practice management skills.
Develop practitioners with strong sensitivities, and with an appreciation for the multiple cultures present in our community. Instill the concept of responsibility of community service.
Develop ethical, moral and empathetic practitioners with an appreciation of multiculturalism.
Second Year GPR
To enhance the resident’s ability to provide more` complex and comprehensive quality restorative dental and oral health services for patients regardless of age and medical condition.
Gain proficiency on a higher level in an elective area of dentistry including: implantology, practice management, endodontics, periodontics, maxillofacial surgery.
To develop teaching, management and leadership skills, through responsibility in relation to first year dental residents and hospital wide committees.
If selected, to further develop proficiency in the use of behavioral methods and administration of pharmacological agents for the comprehensive control of pain and apprehension.