> Dental Education > Dental Public Health > Program Goals
Dental Public Health Program Goals
The overarching goal of the Jacobi DPH postdoctoral program is to educate residents in a manner that enables them to become DPH specialists who will develop an evidence-based approach to problem solving, practice within the highest ethical principles, understand how to conduct oral health research, and lead collaborations in oral and public health issues. The specific goals of the program are:
To provide residents with advanced education in oral epidemiology; oral health policy; program planning, implementation, and evaluation; and research methods relevant to the practice of Dental Public Health.
To provide residents with training and opportunities to communicate on oral and public health issues.
To provide residents with training and opportunities to advocate for public health/educational policy to promote the public’s oral health.
To provide training in the planning, execution and reporting of a minimum of one original research project, including critical review of appropriate literature.
To provide residents with opportunities for the provision of community-based oral health services.